- Create Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Instance 2 CPU cores and 4 GB of RAM .
Install Java for Elastic Stack on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https
- Elastic Stack components require Java. We will install OpenJDK 11, which is a widely used open-source implementation of the Java Platform.
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y
- After installation, verify that Java is correctly installed by checking its version.
java -version
- To ensure stack components can locate Java, we need to set the
environment variable. Open the environment file.
sudo nano /etc/environment
- Add the following line at the end of the file.
- Apply the changes by reloading the environment.
source /etc/environment
Install ElasticSearch on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Elasticsearch is the core component of the ELK Stack, used for search and analytics. We need to import the public signing key and add the Elasticsearch APT repository to your system.
wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg
- Add the repository definition.
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg] https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/8.x/apt stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
- Install Elasticsearch.
sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
- Start Elasticsearch and configure it to run at system startup.
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
- Verify that Elasticsearch is running
sudo systemctl status elasticsearch
Configure Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- To allow external access to Elasticsearch, modify the configuration file.
sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
- Restart Elasticsearch to apply the changes.
sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch
- To confirm that Elasticsearch is set up correctly, send a test HTTP request using
curl -X GET "localhost:9200"
- You can access it using browser with your Public IP address:9200 port which is a default port for Elasticksearch.
Install Logstash on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Logstash is used to process and forward log data to Elasticsearch. Install Logstash using following command.
sudo apt-get install logstash -y
- Start and enable Logstash.
sudo systemctl start logstash
- Verify the service status.
sudo systemctl status logstash
Install Kibana on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Kibana provides a web interface for visualizing data from Elasticsearch. Install Kibana using following command.
sudo apt-get install kibana
- Start and enable the Kibana service.
sudo systemctl start kibana
sudo systemctl enable kibana
- Check the status of Kibana:
sudo systemctl status kibana
Configure Kibana on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- To configure Kibana for external access, edit the configuration file.
sudo nano /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
- Restart Kibana to apply the changes.
sudo systemctl restart kibana
- Access the Kibana interface by navigating to
in your web browser. This will open the Kibana dashboard where you can start exploring your data.
Install Filebeat on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Filebeat is a lightweight shipper used to forward and centralize log data. Install Filebeat using following command.
sudo apt-get install filebeat
- Open the Filebeat configuration file to send logs to Logstash.
sudo nano /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
- Comment out the Elasticsearch output section.
# output.elasticsearch:
# hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
hosts: ["localhost:5044"]
- Enable the system module, which collects log data from the local system.
sudo filebeat modules enable system
- Set up Filebeat to load the index template into Elasticsearch.
sudo filebeat setup --index-management -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E 'output.elasticsearch.hosts=[""]'
- Start and enable the Filebeat service.
sudo systemctl start filebeat
sudo systemctl enable filebeat
- Ensure Elasticsearch is receiving data from Filebeat by checking the indices.
curl -XGET "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v"
You can access it using browser using